Summary of bachelor study on "Possibilities of fine material removal". Author: Erki Närep
Limestone is one of the most common minerals in Estonia. It is mainly used as raw material for the production of splinters and cement. The limestone bed consists of upper layers with high quality limestone and lower layers with clay-rich limestone. Producing splinters and cement with a clay-rich limestone requires additional processing, in order to reduce clay content using fine material removal.
Limestone is one of the most common minerals in Estonia. It is mainly used as raw material for the production of splinters and cement. The limestone bed consists of upper layers with high quality limestone and lower layers with clay-rich limestone. Producing splinters and cement with a clay-rich limestone requires additional processing, in order to reduce clay content using fine material removal.
The aim of this study was to test
and evaluate three different methods for fine material removal – jigging,
pressure washing and dry sieving, and research the appropriate equipment. As a
reference method, washing by hand was also carried out which represented the
ideal subsample. In this study, fine material is defined as material sized
0-4 mm. The clay-rich limestone sample material used in the experimental
work was taken from Väo IV open cast. The sample material was first homogenized
and distributed into subsamples. The subsamples were then processed using the
mentioned methods. Finally, sieve analysis was carried out with the processed
subsamples in order to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods.
The results showed that the most
effective method is dry sieving, which removed the full percentage of fine
material. Jigging removed 70% and pressure washing removed 29% of the 0-4 mm
sized material. The appropriate equipment for fine material removal is
McLanahan’s Rotary Scrubber, McLanahan’s Log Washer and Haver & Boecker’s
Hydro Clean Washing System.
- Extraction with hydraulic hammer
- Preliminary crushing with jaw crusher
- Fine material removal with Hydro Clean Washing System
- Producing splinters with a crusing complex
- Processing removed fine material with CDE equipment